Top 10 Professional Values
1. Accountablity
we demonstrate accountability by
taking personal responsibility for all actions
following through on commitments for group work
coming to class prepared to learn
attending class regularly and taking responsibility for any missed work/information
requesting help when needed from faculty, Advising, Disability Resource Centre, Learning Skills, Counselling looking for solutions rather than placing blame
2. Integrity
we demonstrate integrity by
maintaining academic honesty in all endeavours taking credit only for our own work (not that of others)
collaborating with others on assignments/projects only when authorized to do so
using classroom/lab resources wisely
being respectful of lab policies
3. Responsibilty
we demonstrate responsibility by
completing all assignments on time
arriving for all classes and program activities prepared and on time
notifying instructors of absences, late arrivals, early departures
using time-management strategies: calendars, to-do lists
turning off cell phones and other personal electronic devices during class time
using computers in an authorized manner
4. Respect
we demonstrate respect by
treating peers, guests, instructors and staff with the appropriate level of respect whether in person, in writing or in electronic communications
demonstrating acceptance of diverse groups
not disrupting/interfering with the learning of other students (not talking, texting, coming late, leaving early, doing off-task work)
5. Professional Behaviour
we demonstrate professional behaviour by
using language and terminology appropriate for learning environments (no foul language, minimal use of slang or abbreviations)
dressing in a neat and appropriate manner for the environment
not using strong scents, perfumes or colognes
carrying ourselves in a manner that presents a positive image
6. Professional Attitude
we demonstrate professional attitude by
being positive
communicating in a sincere manner
willingly accepting constructive feedback
maintaining composure under professional or personal pressures
7. Adaptability
we demonstrate adaptability by
adapting to changes in schedule and procedures
exhibiting an open attitude and being receptive to new ideas
experimenting with new techniques for completing tasks
8. Continuous Learning
we demonstrate continuous learning by
seeking out learning opportunities
seeking clarification/asking relevant questions
contributing to class/online discussions
seeking new methods of learning tasks
9. Teamwork
we demonstrate teamwork by
listening to the views of others
giving and receiving feedback in a positive manner
managing conflict constructively and professionally
being committed to tasks
doing our share of work
completing assigned team tasks on time
contributing ideas to projects
communicating with team members regarding tasks, due dates, and meetings
10. Confidentiality
we demonstrate confidentiality by
maintaining the confidentiality of classmates and clients
not discussing items a person shared confidentially with us
not gossiping, in person or on social networking sites
일을 대하는 태도에서 더 전문성을 보이고 싶어서 검색하다보니 이런 글이 있어서,
학교 얘기인것 같은데 일에도 도움이 될것 같고,
영어공부도 할겸 찬찬히 읽어보려구 퍼왔다.
WIN에서 '나는 잘한다, 나는 최고다' 라고 마음 먹어야, 퍼포먼스도 잘 나온다고 했다.
물론 아티스트/퍼포머/가수라는 무대위에 서야하는 직업의 특성이 있지만,
많은 다른 직업, 직군에도 일할 때 적용해 볼수 있는 말 같다.
전문성에 대한 자신감이 너무 과해도 좋지 않지만, 자신감 없는 태도는 신뢰감을 줄 수 없다.
한쪽으로 치우치지 않고 중도를 지키고 현명하게 대처하는 법을 아직 더 배워야 한다.
너무 걱정만 많이 하지 말고 다 잘될거라는 긍정적인 마인드로,
순진하게 잘될거야라고만 생각하지 않고 많은 case들을 짚어보는 꼼꼼함으로,
포장만 하고 오버해서 말하지도 않고 너무 겸손떨지도 말고 어필할 건 어필하고.
저런 것들을 잃지 않고 마이웨이를 계속 가는 것이 내 숙제이고,
리더십 기르기와 설득력있게 말 잘하기가 내년 과제가 될것 같다.