해커스 토익 보카 10


demoralize ~의 사기를 꺾다.
Everybody was demoralized when the company reported record losses

deviate 빗나가다. 일탈하다.
The profit report deviated from expected results.

figure 합계수, 총액
Last quarter's sales figures need to be sent to the main office.

incur (손실을)입다, 빚을 지다.
We have incurred significant operating losses since our inception in 2001.

indicative 나타내는, 암시하는
A drop in sales is indicative of the economic recession

infusion 주입, 혼합
The infusion of capital helped the company pay off its debt.

meagerly 빈약하게, 불충분하게
Profits grew only meagerly between 2003 and 2004.

offset 상쇄하다. 벌충하다.
Management decided to offset over-expenditure by freezing pay raises.

projection 예상, 예상치
spending and income projections

substantial 상당한
The company made substantial investments in several emerging markets.

midday 정오

moderate 적당한, 중간 정도의

situated 위치해 있는

slight chance 희박한 가능성

uncover 알아내다.

upset 당황한/당황하게 하다

agile 기민한

allay (감정을) 가라 앉히다.

allotment 할당, 분배

apprise 알리다.

compound interest 복리

downfall 몰락

even out ~을 균형잡히게 하다.

file for bankruptcy 파산 신청을 하다.

forestry 임학

gross 총계/총계의

gross income 총 소득

growth potential 성장 잠재력

insolvent 지불 불능의, 파산의

jointly-owned 공동 소유의

long-term stability 장기 안정성

lush 호화스러운

on the rise 상승하는

ore 광석

outpace 앞지르다

outsell ~보다 많이 팔다.

planetarium 천문관

proportionate 비례하는

retrieve 되찾다

shrewd 영리한

unprofitable 무익한

vitally 절대적으로, 중대하게

well below average 평균보다 훨씬 낮은


curtail ~을 줄이다. 삭감하다.
The manager mad an effort to curtail office expenses

deduct 공제하다. 빼다
Michael deducted his business expenses from his gross income

deficient 부족한, 불충분한
Funding for the office renovations is deficient.

deficit 적자, 부족액
Reserve funds will be used to make up for the defict.

discrepancy 불일치, 차이
Jack noticed a discrepancy in the annual report's figures.

exempt 면제된, ~이 없는
Business expenses are exempt from taxation

expenditure 지출 비용
This month's profits outweigh expenditures.

in the red 적자 상태인
The company is $750 million in the red.

incidental 부수적인
Total all incidental expenses for the journey and submit it to accounting
incidental expenses 부수 비용, 부대 비용

inconsistency 불일치
There is a notable inconsistency in the weekly account summaries.

ledger 회계 장부
Investigators are reviewing the firm's ledgers.

liable 책임져야 할, ~하기 쉬운
The guarnator is liable for any unpaid debts.
Expense accounts are liable to be misused.

liability 책임, 부채, 채무
The company has liability for the injuries caused by the defective products.
Companies must list all their assets and liabilities on their annual reports

monetary 금전의, 재정적인
The old equipment is of no monetary value.

outlay 지출, 경비
Construction of the building will require an outlay of $100,000

rigorously 엄격히
Government inspectors will rigorously monitor the company's accounting practices.

stringently 엄격히, 엄중하게
All departments must stringently adhere to the budget guidelines.

turnover 총매상고, 거래액, 이직률
The company's turnover exceeded 2.8 million
Poor work conditions lead to high employee turnover

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